Thursday 1 October 2015

A Guide To Packing Your Household Items

Tips on your valuables

Prior to selecting your packaging material, you should make a list of all your belongings. While your at it, make a note of how brittle every item is. It’s a good idea to read any user manuals you have for anything you’re unsure about to find out about special care. Be aware that some items will leak if not positioned properly and certain items will need to be held upright to avoid breakages.

Start Sorting Everything

Your next task is to sort everything into different sizes and how brittle they are. Big items and things can be packed on their own and where possible filled with additional items for storage. Fragile items need to be well packed using bubble wrap and cloths to avoid them cracking against each other. Hand pack every fragile item you have and keep them within one box. Always label all your boxes for easy organising and for finding quickly.

Let’s get packing

After you have organised your belongings, you should now start wrapping things up. As already stated, keep a handy amount of bubblewrap around for emergency packaging in all those hard to fill gaps. This will make sure nothing rattles about in the back of our vans. You can use old newspapers if you don’t have other packaging. Anything of real value should always be well wrapped in the best packaging you can find.
Always use excessive amounts of packaging material as one damaged item is never good. If your unsure about how to pack things safely, let us do the hard work for you. Always use any kind of tape to secure your packaging, the pound shops sell 4 rolls for £1…:-). Don’t wrap things to tightly as you could put too much pressure on the item.
Finally, take care in placing everything into it’s organised box. Take care not to jam everything into boxes and hope they don’t get damaged. Place your belongings into boxes so that they are not only secure but you can easily find them when unpacking. Your last task is to tape the box securely and as already mentioned, label every box clearly.
Packing your belongings need not be a stressful experience if you take the time to plan well ahead. If you require boxes, bubblewrap or tape we can supply it at a discounted price.
The post A Guide To Packing Your Household Items appeared first on Local Van Man Edinburgh.


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